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Son of Shadow Hero of Light Page 16

A warm sensation washed down Leon’s body. He felt like his heart was growing within him and the song pulsed therapeutically through his muscles and bones. His eyes were closed and he was enjoying these incredible sensations. His body felt light, like it was floating. He knew he couldn’t be floating because he felt grass under his suddenly bare feet, but his body felt like it was.

  His missing shoes was the first clue that he wasn’t having a normal experience. He knew he hadn’t lost his shoes but there he was, standing in a grassy field barefoot.

  He was warm all over, but not like being in a hot bath. It felt like he was being hugged. He felt like he was being cared for and loved by an unseen being, someone or something that could reach inside of him and make his soul feel good.

  It was his Creator, the Savior that Micaela had mentioned. It was Christ that loved him. He didn’t know how he knew this, but he knew it. He felt it.

  His jaw began to quiver and tears formed in his eyes. He tried hard to keep himself together. He didn’t want to cry in front of three girls, especially not Micaela. He would never live it down.

  But the sensation was so wonderful. He felt loved so profoundly that he felt like he didn’t deserve such love. And yet he was grateful for it and it filled him with joy. He was loved by his Creator even though he didn’t deserve it.

  He had never thought of these things before. He had a Creator and that being loved him more than he understood. Why does he love me? I’m a reject, a mistake. I’m a lantern. I’m a nobody. Who am I to be loved so well by such a being?

  But that love was undeniable and tears forced their way down his cheeks.

  He opened his eyes and suddenly he saw his grandparents. Nona and Papa he called them. The few memories of them that he had were marred by the last moment that he spent with them: their death.

  In his mind’s eye, Leon could see perfectly the moment they died. It was like he was standing in his memory. He was young and sad, standing next to their sickbed in a small bedroom. They were both laying there together. Neither could take care of the other because both were sick and dying. At least they were together, I guess.

  After he had said his final goodbye the tears came. He didn't remember what Nona or Papa said to him. He just knew that it made him burst into tears and then he ran behind Father’s legs as everyone else said their parting words.

  Moments after everyone had said goodbye, Nona and Papa hugged one last time. Still embracing, their bodies began to turn to mist. It was a dark, unruly mist that had looked like it was consuming their bodies. And before Leon knew it, their bodies were gone and the mist rose into the air and floated away on the wind.

  Why did they float away? Why did they turn into mist? Where did they go? Why did they have to go?

  This is only a memory, but it feels too real. Why am I remembering this now? I’ve just eaten a piece of fruit and felt this incredible love from my Creator and then I see Nona and Papa being taken from me? What does it mean?

  Suddenly he was back on the grassy hill. He was standing there alone. A slow breeze blew the grass and his pant legs. There was a tree stump in front of him.

  The wind changed and he saw a dark mist blowing towards him. It slowly gathered together above the tree stump. It became thick like a storm cloud and then it began to take a roughly human form.

  As the wind blew more mist towards him, the cloud in front of him became more and more human like and then it split into two human forms.

  Two human figures began walking towards him, still black as night and still just mist. Their nightgowns were blowing in the wind.

  “Who are you? What do you want?” Leon called.

  By the time they had touched down on the ground, their misty forms solidified and Leon recognized them as his Nona and Papa.

  “You came back! You’re here!”

  They were alive again standing in front of him. They reached their arms out to him with big smiles on their wrinkled faces. Leon stretched his arms out and hugged them. He squeezed them so tight. They were real. They squeezed back.

  Tears streamed down his face. He tried to laugh, but it came out as a choked cry, but it didn't matter because he was in their arms again.

  “How did you come back? How are you here? Did the magical white tree bring you back to me?”

  They didn’t say a word, but continued to shower him with hugs and kisses. The moment couldn’t last long enough. All too soon, they pulled away and began waving goodbye. Leon tried to hold on to them, but wherever he would grab them would turn to mist and his hand would pass right through.

  The wind changed and began pushing them away from him. They floated up slowly back into the mist.

  “Don’t go!” he screamed. “You can’t leave me again. I don’t know who I am or what I’m supposed to do. You can’t leave me.”

  He cried even harder then. He couldn't stop himself. He sniffled and wiped his eyes time after time, but it was no use. He couldn't stop.

  So he just cried.

  Nona and Papa faded away.

  chapter 17

  No Powers