Son of Shadow Hero of Light Read online

Page 14

Leon and Kali were ushered into Micaela’s small house by Mrs. Sol and they were asked to sit on the flowered couch while she got Micaela. The house felt bright. There were smiling flowers placed in every room. It was immaculately clean despite the fact that Micaela was the youngest of her teenage siblings. No books or clothes were strewn anywhere. No food or empty plates were in sight.

  Mrs. Sol returned and Micaela greeted them. Micaela looked even more formal than usual. Besides her flowered dress, she wore shiny earrings and a bracelet.

  “I love your hair, Micaela. Oh, you’re so pretty. You look like you’re going to a ball. Those shoes are so cute,” said Kali.

  Micaela blushed and thanked Kali.

  Mrs. Sol took off her apron and sat on one of the leather chairs across from the couch where Leon and Kali sat. She too was dressed formally. Leon looked down at his sneakers and jeans and began feeling out of place. I didn’t realize this would be such a formal thing. Maybe Kali and I should have dressed up as well.

  “I wanted my mom to be here to answer anything about the book that I couldn’t. She knows much more about it than I do.”

  Mrs. Sol smiled, but said, “It’s not about what you know. It’s about what you do.”

  Micaela asked, “Do you have any questions about the book?”

  Kali blurted out, “Do you have the other books? What happens to The Avalon? Can we have them?”

  “I’m glad you liked it, Kali,” Micaela grinned.

  “I loved it. I can’t wait to read the rest of the story.”

  “Did you like more than just the story?” Micaela probed.

  “I didn’t,” Leon said. “I mean, I haven’t finished it yet, but I thought you said it was what I was looking for.”

  “I think you don’t know what you are looking for,” said Mrs. Sol.

  “I do, ma’am. I don’t want to be a lantern. I don’t want to be the weird green kid forever.”

  Mrs. Sol smiled politely.

  “My mom and I actually wanted to take you somewhere if that’s okay. It will help you understand more about what the book teaches.”

  “Where they have the other books?” Kali asked.

  Micaela giggled. “Yes, Kali. I’ll try to get you more of those books.” She turned to Leon. “How are you feeling, Leon? It’s not far. Do you think you will be okay?”

  “I’ll be fine. What is it? Where are we going?”

  Mrs. Sol asked, “Did you two know that the town Shiloh in the book is the same Shiloh that’s just twenty minutes from here?”

  “I figured,” said Kali.

  “I was wondering about that,” said Leon.

  “It’s pretty cool, isn’t it?” asked Micaela. “We live so close to such a historic place. Let’s go.”

  They piled into Kali’s van and in less than half an hour they arrived in Shiloh. It looked just like any other town. Leon was disappointed. He was hoping for this town to be something amazing. He did see more people walking around than usual. Most people would be flying or apparating around. I wonder if people here are like Micaela.

  “Do you hear that, Leon?” Kali said radiating a large grin.


  Micaela turned around in the front seat and smiled at Kali. “You hear it? I heard it too when I first came to Shiloh. This city looks like any other city, but it’s different. There’s something important happening here. You can hear it.”

  “Just like in the book?”

  “Yes, just like in the book,” said Mrs. Sol.

  As they turned the next corner, Leon saw a building that was unlike any other building he had ever seen. It was so white that it was glowing. It looked like a castle made of the sun. It had large spires that shot high into the air.

  Kali gasped. After several seconds she finally muttered, “It’s beautiful.”

  The walls of the castle were white stone that had tiny sparkly specks. It appeared to be simply made a first glance, but as they got closer, Leon noticed it was laced with intricate details. Window frames, walls, and the giant front door were all decorated with detailed carvings.

  The inside was white. White couches and chairs accented with gold thread sat along the white walls in the entrance. A woman in white clothes sat behind a white reception desk, smiling. People dressed in all white clothes guided visitors. Just about the only things that weren’t white were the beautiful color paintings that hung on the gigantic walls.

  Someone played a tune on the piano nearby, though Leon couldn’t tell where the sound was coming from. It was familiar and soothing. That’s the same song I heard while reading the book! How is that possible? I have to find whoever is playing that piano.

  Kali stared at the tall ceiling. “What is this place?”

  Everyone turned to look at her. She hadn’t shouted it, but it didn’t feel right to talk loud here. Like in a museum, Leon felt that anything over a whisper would be disrespectful and would get the attention of everyone in the room.

  Kali blushed and tried to hide behind Leon.

  Micaela comforted her softly and gestured down a hallway to the right.

  They turned right and got into an elevator. The same music continued playing and Leon nonchalantly tried to look for the speakers. Wherever the piano was in this castle, that song was being piped throughout the whole building, even the elevator.

  The elevator was very white but it didn’t feel sterile like a hospital. Instead it was inviting and comfy. The carpet was plush and the walls were soft.

  They walked down a corridor passing a few small rooms on either side. Leon couldn’t see what was inside and he didn’t want to look too nosy, so he followed closely behind Mrs. Sol and Micaela. The music was getting louder now.

  They came to a pair of large, beautiful doors like the front doors. The handles were long golden rods. A large picture of a man, kneeling in a forest and shielding his eyes from a light above him, was carved into the wood.

  Leon knew the music must be coming from inside this next room. It was louder than ever. How could I possibly be hearing the same song that I heard while reading that book? It’s impossible. It’s some trick of the mind or something. Am I being drugged by the air in here? And yet, it’s so comforting and peaceful. I’ve never felt anything like how I feel when I hear that song. What is this feeling? The answer must be behind this door.

  Micaela grabbed the handle of one of the doors and Mrs. Sol the other. They easily swung the doors open to reveal to Kali and Leon what was on the other side. Leon was surprised and so very disappointed by what he saw.

  chapter 15

  The White Tree